But Forever Knight both was and was not like other CanCon. On its surface, Forever Knight fit right in with the other series filling Canadian prime time when it debuted in 1992, with a certain candlelit, Vaseline-y haze that elicited the feeling, if not the reality, of a saxophone solo - a soft-goth Canadiana aesthetic shared by everything from the goofy-spooky Are You Afraid of the Dark? to Skor bar commercials. But from this era of “cop who is also X” came the unlikely cult hit Forever Knight, which boldly asked: What if a cop were a vampire … and, moreover, Canadian? Unsurprisingly, both Cop Rock and Moloney ran for a single season each before disappearing amid the various Law & Orders.

Instead, major networks produced shows like Cop Rock, a jaw-droppingly strange singing procedural, and Moloney, about a cop who’s also a shrink.

In the early-to-mid-’90s, no one pretended cop shows had to resemble reality.