This would be a good one for Ollydbg, to see exactly what happens when you fill a socket. Not long after, I downloaded another editor that seemed to show the linkages, since it was able to bring up the gems that were socketed but not let me detach them. Both characters crashed trying to start games, and I never was able to use those character files again. I exported the bow to a file, then imported it to the mule. This recipe does not repair Ethereal Weapons. 1 Ort Rune + Weapon Fully Repairs Weapon. This recipe repairs and recharges the weapon. 1 Ort Rune + 1 Chipped Gem + Weapon Charges & Repairs Weapon. Destroys every item socketed in the current piece of armor. Way way back in Act 3 normal when perfect sapphires and perfect skulls were something else, heh heh. 1 Hel Rune + Scroll of Town Portal + Any Socketed Armor Remove items from Sockets. So in a cube recipe, how many inputs would a three-socket item with three socketables in it be, one or four? And if it counts as one, do the socketables really get wiped too, or are they hidden time bombs waiting for a crash?Ī long time ago, I used a character editor to try to mule a three socket gemmed bow that (in my D2 youth) I thought was special. Since the original socketable is still visible in the item graphic, I suspect it is. Usetype might be perilous too, have you tested this yet? I am curious if the idea of linked records still holds for filled sockets.